Tēnā koutou and Welcome to TIAFT 2025
What a privilege it is to bring The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT) conference to Aotearoa New Zealand, November 23rd – 27th 2025.
It is truly exciting to be able to host you for the first time in our country and to showcase our natural wonders, unique culture and manaakitanga (hospitality). Working together, ESR and FACTA, along with ICMSA, are striving to deliver a meeting that exceeds your needs and expectations.
The theme for the meeting is Toxicology at the Leading Edge. This resonates for two reasons: firstly, the work we do each day is world-leading and this conference allows us to share and collaborate to maintain pace with the ever-evolving toxicology environment. Secondly, New Zealand sits on the geographical ‘edge of the world’!
It is wonderful to be able to contribute to the long legacy of TIAFT, and FACTA. We look forward to engaging and working with many of you in the lead up to the conference to collaboratively create an outstanding scientific programme.
Bringing you all together in Tamaki Makaurau Auckland at the brand new New Zealand International Convention Centre, will allow you to immerse yourself in both science in the heart of city and all it brings. Sharing this experience we hope will be rewarding and enthralling.
We can’t wait to share these moments with you all and look forward to welcoming you to TIAFT 2025.

Matt Hosking
Chair of TIAFT Organising Committee